
Hi, I’m Alicia Brown

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Write with Mrs. Brown
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Join Me: Edit Without Tears This Thursday!

Hey there, Reader, You want your child's writing to improve, but the way you approach editing can either build their confidence or crush their spirits. Editing does NOT have to end with tears. In fact, it can be an experience you and your child look forward to! This Thursday at 7pm EST, join my special Parent Huddle and learn how to edit without frustration. ⚡Truth: Editing Can Be Enjoyable⚡ Start using techniques that enhance your child's writing while avoiding frustration. This Thursday,...

Hey Reader, In this episode, Don't Say That: 10 Phrases to Avoid When Helping Your Child Write, we're tackling something every parent can relate to: the phrases we should avoid when helping our kids develop their writing skills. We'll explore ten common phrases that can actually discourage your child's creativity and confidence. This week, I’m sharing actionable strategies to help you nurture your child's writing skills and boost their confidence. Let's build a foundation for lifelong...

Hey there, Reader, Are you looking to prepare your middle school child for essay writing? Could they benefit from practicing? Introducing the Summer Writing Squad! In just four online sessions, your middle schooler will master the foundations of:• Expository Essays• Narrative Essays• Literary Analysis Essays• Persuasive Essays Key Details:• Dates: July 3, 17, 24, and August 8• Time: 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM EST• Platform: Zoom• Includes: Live instruction, games, all class materials, personalized...

Hey there, Reader, Thank for joining the Introduction to Public Speaking class waitlist. Here's the thing about public speaking; 75% of people experience some degree of anxiety when it comes to speaking in public! So let me ask you… Do you want your middle or high school student to develop confidence, communication skills, and the ability to captivate an audience? If the answer is yes, starting now will set them up for success in school, future careers, and beyond. You can throw these worries...

Hey there Reader, As a homeschooling mom and writing instructor, I’ve seen how holidays can spark inspiration in our children, offering rich opportunities for learning and growth. But often, we miss the chance to turn these moments into meaningful discussions and writing exercises that deepen our children's understanding and creativity. ⚡Quick Tip Wednesday ⚡ Today’s Quick Tip is inspired by the power of conversation: Use holidays to engage your children in discussions that spark their...

Meet me at the Indiana Association Home Educator's Conference While I love chatting with you online, I would much rather meet you in person. Join me at the Indiana Association of Home Educator’s Conference (IAHE) in Indianapolis, Indiana March 22nd - March 23rd. Visit my booth (#818) for a chance to win free writing materials. I’ll also be speaking at a break out session on the 5 Keys to Developing Exceptional Writers at Home. This workshop will teach you how to cultivate an environment that...

Does your child need some help grabbing their reader's attention at the beginning of their essays? Here is my 60 second instagram reel that will give you seven ways you can share with your child. Here is my 8-minute YouTube video that goes deeper and gives examples. You can watch this together. Here is my complimentary 7 Ways to Hook Your Reader Worksheet that you can use to practice at home. I hope this helps you bring out the young author in your child. Happy Writing! Mrs....

Join Me for IEW Family Grammar Game Night How has your school year been? Could you use a dose of fun? This week one of my classes created a grammar review quiz for me. Instead of giving them review questions at the beginning of class, I put them in the driver's seat. They enjoyed collaborating as a class to see if they could stump me. There were two wins that came from this experience. Win #1 - They studied their grammar material outside of what was required. Win #2 - I actually had fun being...

E3: Intro to Public Speaking & Free Giveaway Happy E3 Saturday! Here are two ways to stay equipped, encouraged, and engaged as you help your student improve their writing this week. Stay Equipped 1. Did you know that public speaking is considered one of the greatest fears people have? Well, that doesn't have to be the case for your child. I just recorded a review of the features of this new IEW curriculum yesterday. You can enter my drawing to win it for free! Please share this with other...

Hello Beautiful Momma! It's time for our August discussion of Raising Critical Thinkers by Julie Bogart. I can't wait to spend some time with you. I'm making some fresh lemonade with mint from my garden for our conversation tonight. :-) What are you bringing? Here's what you can do to prepare for the discussion. View and print the discussion guide. Pick one activity from Pt 1, Pt 2, or Pt 3 to do before the book club Prepare to share your experience during the book club Join the Zoom on...